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LICA is composed with a team animated by a profound joy of sharing knowledges, know-how and resources. We are joining on the field actions, commitment and lucidity to create   collective, inclusive and sustainable projects.

Les offres du LICA

LICA is composed with a team animated by a profound joy of sharing knowledges, know-how and resources. We are joining on the field actions, commitment and lucidity to create   collective, inclusive and sustainable projects.


Faciliter et former à l'intelligence collective 💫

Nous recherchons notre future pépite pour rejoindre l’équipe de formation et de facilitation du LICA !

Stage / Alternance

Commercial & marketing 🌳

Nous recherchons notre future pépite pour rejoindre l’équipe de formation et de facilitation du LICA !


Chef.fe de Projet intelligence artificielle 🛸

Nous recherchons notre futur.e chef.fe de projet IA


Communication & crowfunding 🌈

Nous recherchons notre future pépite pour rejoindre l’équipe de formation et de facilitation du LICA !


Finances & Administration☀️

Nous recherchons notre future alternant·e pour rejoindre l’équipe Finance & Administration du LICA et du Tiers-Lab des Transitions !

Toutes nos offres et les candidatures se font sur la plateforme Job de Make Sense, n'hésites pas regarder régulièrement !

a l'ecoute

Toujours à l’écoute

Nous sommes toujours intéressés et ravis de découvrir de nouvelles personnes et de nouveaux talents ! Nous sommes à l’écoute de votre parcours, de vos envies pour rejoindre le LICA, n’hésitez pas à envoyer votre candidature spontanée !


Des idées pour améliorer les choses, nous en avons pleins au LICA ! Vous aussi ? Si vous avez une idée, un projet en tête qui vous tient à cœur et vous semble aligné avec la raison d’être du LICA, n’hésitez pas à nous en faire part.

Merci pour votre envoi !

La raison d’être du LICA

Le LICA existe pour co-construire avec joie, les transitions des territoires pour une prospérité soutenable, en harmonie avec le vivant. 

Research & Development for social innovation


To research, experiment and evaluate new ways of doing  is fundamental to bring solutions for ecological resilience and social progress.

Our research program  "Governance & digital tools" is exploring the development of new digital services to be designed and deployed in collective intelligence. We imagine ways of creating digital tools to keep sovereignty for its users regarding ethics of data and algorithms.

Les projets

Research & Development for social innovation


To research, experiment and evaluate new ways of doing  is fundamental to bring solutions for ecological resilience and social progress.

Our research program  "Governance & digital tools" is exploring the development of new digital services to be designed and deployed in collective intelligence. We imagine ways of creating digital tools to keep sovereignty for its users regarding ethics of data and algorithms.

Research & Development for social innovation


To research, experiment and evaluate new ways of doing  is fundamental to bring solutions for ecological resilience and social progress.

Our research program  "Governance & digital tools" is exploring the development of new digital services to be designed and deployed in collective intelligence. We imagine ways of creating digital tools to keep sovereignty for its users regarding ethics of data and algorithms.

Un lieu de travail incroyable

Research & Development for social innovation


To research, experiment and evaluate new ways of doing  is fundamental to bring solutions for ecological resilience and social progress.

Our research program  "Governance & digital tools" is exploring the development of new digital services to be designed and deployed in collective intelligence. We imagine ways of creating digital tools to keep sovereignty for its users regarding ethics of data and algorithms.

Un lieu de travail incroyable

Research & Development for social innovation


To research, experiment and evaluate new ways of doing  is fundamental to bring solutions for ecological resilience and social progress.

Our research program  "Governance & digital tools" is exploring the development of new digital services to be designed and deployed in collective intelligence. We imagine ways of creating digital tools to keep sovereignty for its users regarding ethics of data and algorithms.

Research & Development for social innovation


To research, experiment and evaluate new ways of doing  is fundamental to bring solutions for ecological resilience and social progress.

Our research program  "Governance & digital tools" is exploring the development of new digital services to be designed and deployed in collective intelligence. We imagine ways of creating digital tools to keep sovereignty for its users regarding ethics of data and algorithms.

Une équipe

Research & Development for social innovation


To research, experiment and evaluate new ways of doing  is fundamental to bring solutions for ecological resilience and social progress.

Our research program  "Governance & digital tools" is exploring the development of new digital services to be designed and deployed in collective intelligence. We imagine ways of creating digital tools to keep sovereignty for its users regarding ethics of data and algorithms.


Et pourquoi pas vous ?!

Research & Development for social innovation


To research, experiment and evaluate new ways of doing  is fundamental to bring solutions for ecological resilience and social progress.

Our research program  "Governance & digital tools" is exploring the development of new digital services to be designed and deployed in collective intelligence. We imagine ways of creating digital tools to keep sovereignty for its users regarding ethics of data and algorithms.

raison d'être
les projets
lieu de tavail
Une équipe
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